Advice and tips

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How to create a UFI

UFI can be easily created with the help of a generator. To create a UFI, a so-called mixture specific formulation number is needed. This number is fully managed by the company creating the UFI and can be any number from 0 to approximately 268 million. For example, the existing company numbering system, recipe codes, or part of the EAN code can all be used.

You will also need a VAT number or company key to generate the UFI code. This data can also be replaced with a one-time key.

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Notification into PCN portalplay

Notification into PCN portal


Manual notification, S2S notification.

PCN without SDSplay

PCN without SDS


Creation of PCN notifications without the need for a safety data sheet.

PCN access settings incl. S2Splay

PCN access settings incl. S2S


Access setup for the PCN portal and S2S activation for direct notification from software. PCN registration, system solution (S2S).

How to verify whether and for what countries a product has been notified

Unfortunately, there is not yet a single database to verify whether and for which countries a particular mixture has been notified. Each business can only access notifications they have made in their profile. For this reason, it is necessary to actively communicate with your supplier and request a notification confirmation for the destination country where the product is marketed.

If the notification is missing, it should be completed.

What to do if you do not know the required 70% of the composition of the mixture

If the notifier does not have the detailed composition of the product, the notifier can make a notification using the so-called MiM (mixture in a mixture). This procedure applies to mixtures containing other mixtures. In this case, the UFI of the input mixture shall be inserted in the composition instead of or together with the individual ingredients, ensuring the availability of information in the event of a health emergency. In order for this approach to be used, the UFI must be notified for the country to which the final product will be marketed to ensure access to relevant information.

How to submit a PCN as a non-EU company

A non-EU legal entity can use the ECHA Cloud Services app to prepare notifications, but cannot access the ECHA Submission Portal and cannot directly upload or submit notifications. The notification itself must be made by a representative in the EU, or the services of a consulting firm can be used.

When is it necessary to update PCN notification

There are two types of updates. For minor changes, such as the extension of the states for which notification is made or the correction of a clerical error, it is sufficient to update the notification without having to change the UFI code. Conversely, when a mixture is reclassified for health or physical hazards, when the composition or concentration of ingredients is changed outside the permitted ranges, or when the toxicological information is changed, a new notification must be made and a new UFI code assigned to the product.

More questions and answers

Notification into PCN portal


What is PCN and what mixtures must be notified?
PCN is a portal set up by the European Union and managed by ECHA. It is intended for the submission of information on hazardous chemical mixtures. Mixtures with a hazard to human health or with a physical hazard shall be notified. The submission includes a UFI code, which is also a mandatory element of the label. The information shall be submitted in a special i6z format.
Who is required to file a report?
A primary obligation applies to importers purchasing a product outside the European Economic Area and placing it on the EU market, as it does to downstream users mixing their own mixtures or interfering with the packaging of a product. Furthermore, the obligation may also apply to distributors. This step must be ensured where the notification obligation has not been ensured by the importer or downstream user.
What information is required in the notification?
The notification extends the mandatory information compared to the original requirements. For example, a UFI code, 70% of the product composition, the type and size of packaging, product categories according to the European Product Categorisation System (EuPCS), as well as information on product hazards, labelling elements, toxicological information, and information on physicochemical properties are required.
From when does the notification obligation apply?
From 1 January 2025, all hazardous mixtures on the market shall be notified in accordance with the requirements of Annex VIII to the CLP Regulation.
Who is the information transferred to?
The notifier shall submit information to all Member States in which the mixture has been placed on the market. This information is then made available to poison toxicology centres and health response staff. These entities are determined by each state at the national level.
PCN notification easy and fast

SBLCore software for creating and managing safety data sheets

SBLCore allows you to easily create a file for PCN notification in the required format and with all the mandatory information. The file can be uploaded to the ECHA portal directly from the software.

You can also generate a UFI code in the software, which is automatically entered in the label and safety data sheet.

SBLCore ensures legislative accuracy and significantly reduces the time required to work with safety data sheets.

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Want to learn more about SBLCore software?

Are you looking for someone to help you with PCN issues?

We will arrange the notification of mixtures to the PCN portal for you

One of the services we offer is the provision of operations related to the notification of mixtures to the PCN portal. As part of the service, we will evaluate your notification obligation, prepare or check the notification requirements, and announce the product to the PCN portal for you. The service is suitable for all those who are not familiar with the legislation and want to fulfil their obligations set by the European Union under the CLP Regulation.

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We offer solutions for creating and managing safety data sheets. Let us deal with the overall administration associated with the creation, classification, and archiving of safety data sheets. SBLCore software is designed for all manufacturers, importers, distributors, and various users of chemicals and mixtures.

Do you need any advice?

Stay in touch

SBLCore s.r.o.

Sezemická 2757/2
Praha 9, Horní Počernice
Czech Republic

CRN: 04278968
VAT Reg No: CZ04278968


Phone: +420 731 390 417


© 2025 SBLCore


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