The most frequent

Questions & Answers

View our customers’ frequently asked questions about SBLCore software and safety data sheets in general.

Legislation and Safety Data Sheets in General

What is a safety data sheet?
A safety data sheet is a document that ensures the transfer of information in the supply chain. It is therefore indispensable when dealing with hazardous chemicals and mixtures.
What does the safety data sheet look like?
The safety data sheet follows the exact format set out within the EU in Annex II to REACH. It consists of 16 sections, the titles of which are laid down in all EU languages, so a simple one-to-one translation cannot be produced. It is also defined what information each section should contain. These should be written clearly and concisely. Non-European countries are governed by their own national legislation.
What language must the safety data sheet be in?
The language of the safety data sheet depends on the destination country where the substance or mixture will be placed on the market. The safety data sheet should always be in the official language of the country.
What products does a safety data sheet have to be created for?
A safety data sheet shall be primarily drawn up for substances or mixtures classified as hazardous. In some cases, a safety data sheet is provided on request, i.e. for mixtures which are not classified as hazardous but contain a substance posing a danger to human health or the environment, or for which exposure limits are set for the working environment.
What products do not need a safety data sheet?
There is no need to create a safety data sheet for veterinary medicines, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, food or feed. Another group are objects that take on a certain shape during production. For these, however, a safety data sheet is often used to convey important information about the final product.
Who needs a safety data sheet?
Anyone who handles chemicals or mixtures in any way. This may mean the manufacturer, importer, distributor, and even the downstream user.
Who can create a safety data sheet?
The safety data sheet should be produced by a competent person who is regularly trained. How often and who should perform the training is no longer defined by the legislation. SBLCore is able to provide training. The participant receives a certificate after the training. We provide training for up to 5 people at the same time.
How do I determine the classification of a mixture?
Product classification is carried out on the basis of the rules laid down in the CLP Regulation. Classification shall be carried out on the basis of the hazards and concentrations of the ingredients and their toxicological and ecotoxicological data. With certain hazards, the physical characteristics of the product or laboratory tests may also enter the calculation. SBLCore software can help you calculate the classification.
What is the revision of a safety data sheet and when is it carried out?
A revision is an update of the information contained in a safety data sheet. The most common reason for this is a change in the formula or, for example, an update of the format of the safety data sheet set out in Annex II to REACH. New substances with harmonised classification are also often modified or introduced.
What must the label contain?
The product label shall be created on the basis of section 2.2 of the safety data sheet. It is important to ensure that the safety data sheet and label comply with one another, as the information given must be identical.

SBLCore Software and Everything Around It

Who is the software suitable for?
The software is designed for anyone who handles chemicals and mixtures in any way and who needs to create safety data sheets for them, or to convert safety data sheets in their possession into another language.
Who can work in the software?
As a result of the user-friendly and intuitive environment, the software is suitable not only for those with experience in creating safety data sheets, but also for beginners without knowledge of chemicals legislation.
What can the software help with?
SBLCore is a comprehensive tool that will help you create a safety data sheet in 27 languages, as well as design labels, generate a UFI code, and notify you to the PCN portal. The software also ensures the archiving of all safety data sheets and their supporting documents, and monitors the legislative accuracy and current validity of the safety data sheet. An important feature is automatic product classification, which the software calculates from the input data.
What is included in the software?
The software contains a database of substances with harmonised classification according to Annex VI of the CLP Regulation and substances that must follow exposure limits guidance for the working environment. A substance search function on ECHA is also included, allowing a substance to be imported directly from the ECHA database into the software database. It also contains a database of available national exposure limits. The software also includes a database of phrases in all available language versions.
What to do if the substance is not in the SBLCore database?
The database primarily contains substances with a harmonised classification and substances for which occupational exposure limits are set. If the substance is not in the database, it can be retrieved and imported into the software database directly from the ECHA database. Alternatively, it is also possible to add a substance to the database manually, based on the information in the underlying safety data sheet.
What are the available software options?
The available options are SBLCore Blue – software subscription, or SBLCore Green – the purchase of a perpetual licence. For educational purposes, we offer a free version of SBLCore Edu.
Where is the data stored?
In SBLCore Green, the database is located on the company computer or server. The storage location is up to the user to choose. Data backup is fully under their control. In SBLCore Blue, the database is stored in the cloud, where it is automatically backed up. Data can be accessed from anywhere.
How many safety data sheets can be created in the software?
An unlimited number of safety data sheets can be created in both software variants.
How does the software trial work?
After downloading and installing the trial version on a device running Windows, it is necessary to fill out a registration form. The trial version is then available free of charge for a period of 14 days from the completion of registration. The trial version is not limited in terms of software features, except for the export of output documents, which are watermarked. Random sections are hidden in the preview. The created data can be converted to the full version. Downloading the trial version does not oblige you to order the full version of the software and there are no fees.
What devices and operating systems is the software compatible with?
All types of software can be used on Windows devices (from Windows 8.1 and higher, Windows Server 2016 and higher). The macOS operating system is not supported directly, but the software can be run with the help of virtualised Windows. The software cannot be used on mobile devices or tablets.
How many computers can I use the software on?
One user can install the software on up to three devices (PC or laptop).
Does SBLCore allow the import of safety data sheets created outside our software?
Importing any non-.sbl files supported by SBLCore is not possible by default. Importing external data can be solved individually by arrangement.
How does my SBLCore Blue subscription work?
Minimum rental period is 1 month. Subscriptions can then be terminated at any time, but no earlier than 1 month after the last change in subscription settings (i.e. adding a state or user).
How do I end my subscription to SBLCore Blue?
The software can be simply terminated on a selected date in the subscription settings in the software interface or in the SBLCore customer portal, which can also be accessed via the website.
What happens to data stored in the software after my SBLCore Blue subscription ends?
We recommend that you back up any data you create before you end your subscription. The software will notify you of this step when you cancel your subscription. Data will be permanently removed from the software 14 days after termination. During this time, access to the software is available and the data can still be downloaded, but it is no longer possible to use the software features.
Can I renew my SBLCore software subscription?
Subscriptions can be easily renewed in the software on your account after logging in to the website or through your sales representative. If your subscription is renewed after more than 30 days from the termination of the original subscription, the originally created data will no longer be available in the software interface.
How do translations of safety data sheets work?
SBLCore contains a database of phrases that are translated into all language versions available in the software. Phrases containing legislation are not just translations, they adhere to the very wording of the national regulations. Thanks to this feature, the software is able to flip the safety data sheet simply and correctly into another language. If a user is missing a phrase or wants to change its wording, they can create their own phrase along with any translations.
How do I identify an out-of-date safety data sheet in the software and how do I revise it?
SBLCore signals the need to update a document using a “traffic light” function, which highlights the old format of the safety data sheet, outdated substances, or outdated control parameters. When you press the ‘Review’ button, the software automatically updates the safety data sheet. Two versions of the document are then stored in the database – the original (archived) and the new safety data sheet.
Can exposure scenarios be created in SBLCore?
It is not possible because no uniform format has been defined for the exposure scenario. However, the software does allow you to attach the exposure scenario to the safety data sheet as an attachment.
Is the software able to determine the ADR of the mixture?
Every company whose activities involve transporting dangerous products above the specified limit must appoint a minimum of one safety consultant who is trained in transport. The software is unable to classify the product by ADR.
The supporting documents include an H-statement which is not offered by the software (e.g. H320, H333). Why?
The European Union abides by the CLP and REACH regulations under chemicals legislation. Guidelines clarifying the labelling and packaging rules of the CLP Regulation are taken from the Globally Harmonised System (GHS). This contains a large number of standard statements, so if a user has a safety data sheet in GHS format, they may not be able to transpose any of the sentences as part of the transferral of information in the EU supply chain.

User Support and Other Services

What support do we provide to users?
The helpdesk can be contacted at support@sblcore.com. You can also contact us via the contact form, which can be used to send a direct support inquiry. We always answer all queries as soon as possible.
What manuals are available for working in software?
Detailed tutorial videos are available to our customers and can be accessed from the SBLCore website or our YouTube channel. Detailed instructions are also available in the software interface.
What types of trainings do we offer customers?
1) SBLCore Software Training
2) Creation of Safety Data Sheets Training
3) Creating Safety Data Sheets with Formula Mixing Training

Notification to the PCN Portal and UFI Codes

What is UFI and what is it for?
The UFI or Unique Formula Identifier is a unique code that is required when reporting hazardous mixtures to the PCN portal and is also a mandatory part of the label. The UFI consists of 16 characters and has the uniform prefix UFI (e.g. UFI: U910-D0V9-D00J-R9D3). The VAT number of a company and the so-called numerical formula code are required to create it. More information about the UFI can be found on the web generator page.
What is PCN and what mixtures must be notified?
PCN is a portal set up by the European Union and managed by ECHA. It is intended for the submission of information on hazardous chemical mixtures. Mixtures with a hazard to human health or with a physical hazard shall be notified. The submission includes a UFI code, which is also a mandatory element of the label. The information shall be submitted in a special i6z format.
What does it take to create a UFI code?
To create a UFI, a company VAT number and a so-called numerical formula code are required. The numerical formula code can be any number. The only necessity is to choose a sustainable form of product numbering, so that two products with different formulas do not contain the same UFI. It is possible to use, for example, an internal product numbering system to select the numerical formula code.
What does UFI look like and where is it stated?
The UFI is a mandatory part of the label and must be in legible and indelible form. The abbreviation “UFI” is uniform, i.e. immutable in all languages of the European Union and precedes the code itself, which is always 16 characters long. The code is then presented in the format UFI: U910-D0V9-D00J-R9D3.
Who is required to file a report?
A primary obligation applies to importers purchasing a product outside the European Economic Area and placing it on the EU market, as it does to downstream users mixing their own mixtures or interfering with the packaging of a product. Furthermore, the obligation may also apply to distributors. This step must be ensured where the notification obligation has not been ensured by the importer or downstream user.
What information is required in the notification?
The notification extends the mandatory information compared to the original requirements. For example, a UFI code, 70% of the product composition, the type and size of packaging, product categories according to the European Product Categorisation System (EuPCS), as well as information on product hazards, labelling elements, toxicological information, and information on physicochemical properties are required.
From when does the notification obligation apply?
The notification date varies depending on the use of the product. For consumer and professional use, the notification obligation applies from 1 January 2021. With mixtures for industrial use, the date is 1 January 2024. With products that have historically been notified under national rules and have not changed their composition or classification, the original notifications shall remain valid until the end of 2024. From 1 January 2025, all hazardous mixtures on the market shall be notified in accordance with the requirements of Annex VIII to the CLP Regulation.
Who is the information transferred to?
The notifier shall submit information to all Member States in which the mixture has been placed on the market. This information is then made available to poison toxicology centres and health response staff. These entities are determined by each state at the national level.
Where do I get the numerical formula code?
The numerical code of the formula, together with the VAT number or company key, is needed to create the so-called UFI code. This number is fully managed by the company creating the UFI and can be any number from 0 to approximately 268 million. It is possible to use e.g. the existing company numbering system, formula codes, or part of the EAN code.
Where do I get the company key?
If the company does not have VAT or does not want to use it, it is possible to use the company’s UFI key to generate it. The key can be obtained in the web UFI generator and can be used to generate UFI repeatedly. We therefore recommend saving it.

Purchase an SBLCore Blue Subscription

How can I subscribe to the software?
The software can be subscribed to directly on the website in the Price List section. You can also order software with the help of our sales department (sales@sblcore.com).
What are the available subscription plans?
Subscriptions can be ordered as a monthly or annual plan. We offer an annual plan at a discounted price.
Can I change my subscription settings?
The subscription settings can be modified directly in the software settings in the section ‘Manage subscription’ or after logging in to our website. It is possible to add or remove users and states, change payment information, and also terminate your subscription.
How do I add a service during a subscription (another state or user)?
States and users can be easily added or changed in the software or after logging in to our website. With a monthly plan, you cannot end your subscription until 1 month after you added a state or user.
How can I terminate my subscription?
Subscriptions can be easily terminated on a specific date directly in the software in the section ‘Manage subscription’ in the user account, or after logging in to our website. With a monthly plan, a subscription may be terminated at the earliest after the expiry of 1 calendar month since you last purchased the service.
What payment methods are accepted?
Subscriptions can be paid by payment card or bank transfer.
How does subscription billing work when paying by card?
For the first order paid by payment card, the subscription payment is made in advance. An invoice is issued at the same time. With a monthly plan, all subsequent payments are charged retroactively after the end of each calendar month. When an annual plan adds another state or user during the subscription, these services are also billed retroactively after the end of each calendar month. When you renew your annual subscription, the applicable subscription amount for the next year will be charged again and debited from your payment card in advance. Invoices are sent electronically to the e-mail address provided during the order. All issued invoices are available directly in the software in the section ‘Manage subscription’ in the user account, or after logging in to our website.
How does subscription billing work when paying by bank transfer?
For the first and every subsequent order of the annual plan paid by bank transfer, an invoice with a maturity of 14 days is also issued. For the first and every subsequent order of the monthly plan, an invoice is issued retroactively after the end of each calendar month in which the software was activated. Invoices are sent electronically to the e-mail address provided during the order. All issued invoices are available in the customer portal.

What Legislation Are Chemicals and Mixtures Subject To?


REACH not only covers the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation, and Restriction of Chemicals, but primarily it defines the format and content of safety data sheets. The format of safety data sheets is specified in Annex II to this regulation. Material safety data sheets are an essential source of information on chemicals or mixtures, and are an essential part of the supply chain.

REGULATION (EC) No. 1907/2006 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), establishing a European Chemicals Agency


The CLP Regulation deals with the classification, labelling, and packaging of chemicals and mixtures. Classification is an important part of the safety data sheet. Based on this, the texts for all sections are defined. As part of the labelling, the CLP Regulation lays down rules for the size of the symbol and the entire label depending on the size of the package. The regulation also includes Annex VI, which defines substances with a harmonised classification.

REGULATION (EC) No 1272/2008 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures


The Biocides Regulation deals with the placing onto the market and use of biocidal products. A biocide is a product that serves to destroy, repel, or incapacitate harmful organisms. In particular, the regulation defines the biocide labelling, which has its own specifics (e.g. indication of the active substance and its concentration). Each biocidal product may only contain active substances from approved suppliers or, where appropriate, active substances which are under review and which must only be used for the approved type of biocidal product.

REGULATION (EU) No 528/2012 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL, concerning the making available on the market and use of biocidal products


The Detergents Regulation deals with dishwashing, laundry, and cleaning products. It distinguishes whether a detergent is sold only to professional users or to the general public, for whom it sets stricter labelling rules. It also lays down rules for the biodegradability of products and phosphate content. With detergents, it is necessary to process so-called data sheets, which are distinguished into two types, for healthcare workers or the general public.


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We offer solutions for creating and managing safety data sheets. Let us deal with the overall administration associated with the creation, classification, and archiving of safety data sheets. SBLCore software is designed for all manufacturers, importers, distributors, and various users of chemicals and mixtures.

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SBLCore s.r.o.

Sezemická 2757/2
Praha 9, Horní Počernice
Czech Republic

CRN: 04278968
VAT Reg No: CZ04278968


Phone: +420 731 390 417

E-mail: sblcore@sblcore.com

© 2024 SBLCore


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